I recommend playing in full screen, some features - like the launch of the head - are very compromised without it

you are a small self-conscious vacuum cleaner and wake up in the middle of a big scrapyard. if you want to get out of it alive, you will have to face many challenges and think about the time to risk or play safely.

how far could a vacuum cleaner dream?

Control and Tips

use W. A, S, D to move, SPACE to jump, E to shoot and ENTER to pause and see the upgrades menu.

aslo use Q to the head launch mode, and them use the mouse to click, drag and set the direction of the launch. in that mode you can pres E anytime to teleport to head location, or click and drag again to get more impulse.

and the J, K and L are shortcuts to the energy of Head, Bullets and Shield

how you spend the energy for power your gears and the scrap parts to upgrade your skills is the most important thing on the game

Made in 30 days for the Game Off Jam, using Godot Engine, Krita, Tilesetter and Rytmik


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someone text me a trailer of this game pls.


Really cool looking game. The art really makes this one, but there's a lot of depth to the mechanics, as well.


This game has a lot of potential! Really cool:

15:30 Scrap Out


Cara, parabéns, muito boa a arte do jogo, quadrinho total! muito bonita, as cores, o traço! Tive dificuldade só pra sacar como era o lançamento da cabeça do robô, mas porque eu tenho o costume de abrir o jogo sem ler muito a descrição também kkkk

cara e essa brisa da padronagem acho que pode parecer cansativa a princípio mas consegui ver um potencial grande também, lembrei de um ilustrador que chama Gerhard Human, ele tem uns padroes ilustrados muito locos!

Rendeu bem essa jam, parabens!


Pois é, essa dinâmica do lançamento da cabeça não ficou bem resolvido. Ainda queria mexer várias coisas nela. Mas fui acelerando o processo já nos últimos dias, daí acabou não dando tempo.

Os padrões foi mais ou menos isso tbm. Fiz uns tiles e apliquei em tudo, daí na medida que fui avançando fui substituindo por artes unicas. Mas nãod eu tempo pra tudo. Teve até animação que tava pronta e eu não implementei, tipo a morte do NPC que é um carrinho com uma serra. Ele apenas desaparece, mas a animação já tava pronta, hahaha

Ei, mas valeu demais.
Vi tua apresentação lá no Brazil Game Dev, tu tá num processo parecido com o meu, só que fui pra Godot. Mas bora botar esses games pra frente! Joguei o Espreita tbm!


daora velho, acho que acabei indo pra unity por acaso na verdade, eu tinha encontrado primeiro uns videos de um cara fazendo jogo num tal de Phaser, nao sei se vc manja, achei muito bom e simples mas acabei nao tentando nada por conta da correria, dai quando rolou a jam antifa eu voltei a pensar como poderia implementar a ideia mas já senti q valia a pena pegar uma engine mais mainstream, e no youtube acabei encontrando mais videos sobre unity a principio, dai fui meio que indo sem pesquisar muito alem...

mas é isso, to nessa pegada que vc falou memso, tentar fazer uns joguinho, jogar aqui na itch e ver no que dá! eh bem massa falaí! to achando moh viagem
vamo nessa trocando entao mano ,abração!


hello there! firstly I'm here to give you constructive feedback. Because this kind of creative and artistic game desires one. 

The graphics ;
I know it was because it made in 1 month. But at the beginning of game seeing inconsistent and repetitive textures disappointed me. Because assets look crazy beautiful. These might be the most aesthetic assets i have ever seen in a godot game.
Movement: It made me feel very heeeeavy , idk if it's intentional but yeh. The jump was unrealistic and too slow. You could just increase the gravity and your current jump-higher system would suit in easily. 

Details are just amazing , animation style of dialogue boxes... speakers ... ui 

I appreciate the work, keep up !

thank you so much for the feedback.

yeah, i made some tilesets and parallax

repetitions that I hoped I wouldn’t need to use and went on, replacing the assets. but some things really didn’t have time.

I wanted the robot to be heavy at first. with advancement you can make upgrades and the movement becomes much more fluid. I wanted this difference to be felt, you know?

but the truth is that there was almost no testing time. with only a few hours left I saw that the head rocket's strength was very low, I had to triple it. maybe it was the case to do it with speed and I jump too.

i'm very happy with your feedback, really wanted more criticism, because I also really liked the game and I want to find the blind spots and improve it.

thank you!


you make such good games.

really great. I admire the art in each game. I could not play this game to full extent since i'm playing it in my laptop.

all the best. I wish I could make games like you like the way you combine your art with your games(comparing my games I just use a square for everything).



you were the first person who played my first game and your comments have always been very important. it's been a unique journey since I started learning godot, I'm really happy with that.

maybe someday we can think about a project together!
thanks again!

Looking forward :))